Krieghoff | Hall of Fame 2016
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Krieghoff DTL Hall of Fame
- Full List of Previous Winners
Sussex Sporting County Championships
Southdown Shooting Ground - 13th October 2016
High Gun: Guy Franklin

Malaga Olympic Trap International Cup
Malaga Shooting Range, Spain - 13th November 2016
Ladies Gold: Andrea Swatts

East Midlands Double Rise Championships
Nottingham & District SG - 16th October 2016
Ladies High Gun: Izzy Thurnell

National Inter Counties ABT 2016
Beverley CTC - 9th October 2016
Juniors High Gun: Owen Vining
Juniors Team Winner: Owen Vining

Tom Smith Memorial Trophy DTL 2016
Auchterhouse - 8th October 2016
High Gun: Ken Bruce

National Inter-Counties DTL 2016
Bywell Shooting Ground - 2nd October 2016
AA 1st: Nigel Lovatt
Veterans High Gun: Nigel Lovatt
Ladies Runner-Up: Andrea Swatts
Juniors Runner-Up: Joe Booth

Malcolm Caines Memorial Skeet Trophy 2016
North of England CTC - 2nd October 2016
High Gun: Andrew Parsons

Gamebore Gold Cup
Westfield Shooting Ground - 24-25th September 2016
High Gun: Mark Winser
Runner-Up: Ben Husthwaite
Juniors Runner-Up: Josh Brown

DTL Grand Masters
Fauxdegla Shooting Ground - 24-25th September 2016
Veterans High Gun: Nigel Lovatt

Compak Sporting UK Championship
St Dials SG - 25th September 2016
Seniors Silver: Shaun Stacey

Home International FITASC Sporting
St Dials SG - 24th September 2016
High Gun of the Match: Stewart Cumming
3rd Overall: Shaun Stacey
High Gun of England: Shaun Stacey

Cheddite British Open Grand Prix
Beverly CTC - 24-25th September 2016
1st D Class: John Falconer

Gamebore DTL Grand Prix
Mid-Wales SC - 17-18th September 2016
Ladies High Gun: Andrea Swatts
Colts High Gun: Izzy Thurnell
1st C: Izzy Thurnell
2nd C: Morgan Williams

Scottish All Round Championship
North Ayrshire SG - 18th September 2016
High Gun: Stewart Cumming

Welsh Single Barrel Championship
Mid-Wales SC - 11th September 2016
High Gun: Chris Moule

Dorothy Stevenson Memorial DTL 2016
Nottingham & District - 11th September 2016
High Gun: Dave Hinchliffe
Junior High Gun: Joe Booth

West Midlands Single Barrel Championship
Mid-Wales SC - 11th September 2016
High Gun: Chris Moule

Lincolnshire Single Barrel County Championship
Beverley CTC - 11th September 2016
High Gun: Norman Eaton

British Open Sporting 2016
High Lodge SG - 4th September 2016
High Gun: Mark Winser
Runner-Up: Martin Myers
3rd Place: Phil Smith
5th Place: Nick Portlock
Ladies High Gun: Hannah Gibson
Juniors Runner-Up: Josh Bridges
B Class 1st: Graeme Bell
A Class 2nd: Hannah Gibson

Scottish Single Barrel Championships 2016
North Ayrshire SG - 4th September 2016
High Gun: Kevan Smith
Runner-Up: Catherine Fraser

East Midlands HBD 2016
Nottingham SG - 4th September 2016
Ladies High Gun: Izzy Thurnell

British Open Sportrap 2016
High Lodge SG - 3rd September 2016
Runner-Up: Jack Lovick
Junior High Gun: Josh Brown
Ladies Runner-Up: Hannah Gibson
C Class 1st: Josh Brown

Clay Shooting Classic DTL 2016
Bywell SG - 28th August 2016
High Gun: Paul Chaplow
AA Class 1st: Paul Chaplow
A Class 1st: David Bell
Juniors High Gun: Owen Vining
Juniors 3rd Place: Joe Booth
Veterans High Gun: David Bell
Ladies Runner-Up: Caroline Stanbrook
Colts High Gun: Izzy Thurnell
Bywell 400, AA High Gun: Paul Chaplow
Bywell 400, Juniors High Gyn: Owen Vining
Bywell 400, Veterans Runner-Up: David Bell

ICTSC National Skeet Home International 2016
Auchterhouse SG - 26-27th August 2016
Overall High Gun: Andrew Parsons
England Seniors High Gun: Andrew Parsons
Scotland Overall High Gun: Drew Christie
Scotland Seniors High Gun: Drew Christie
Team Captains High Gun: Drew Christie

Lincolnshire County ABT Championships 2016
Nottingham & District GC - 14th August 2016
Champion: Norman Eaton

British Open Skeet Championships 2016
Doveridge CSC - 14th August 2016
Champion: Andrew Parsons

UK FITASC Championships 2016
Fauxdegla Shooting Ground - 14th August 2016
Runner-Up: Shaun Stacey
Ladies High Gun: Emma Stacey

Grand Prix Dorhout Mees - Master of Clays 2016
Dorhout Mees, Holland - 7th August 2016
Champion: Ben Husthwaite

Olympic Games - Women's Trap 2016
Rio, Brazil - 7th August 2016
Bronze: Corey Cogdell

Yorkshire County Skeet Championships 2016
North of England CTC - 7th August 2016
Champion: Andrew Parsons

British Helice Championships 2016
Invicta Helice Ground - 6/7th August 2016
Super Veteran Gold: Tony Nickeas

British Open Single Barrel Championship 2016
Beverley CTC - 7th August 2016
Runner-Up: Paul Hodges
3rd Overall: Shane Smith
Juniors High Gun: Joe Booth
Ladies High Gun: Andrea Swatts
Veterans High Gun: Paul Hodges
1st AA: Shane Smith
1st A: Paul Hodges

English Open Single Barrel Championship 2016
Beverley CTC - 6th August 2016
High Gun: Paul Chaplow
Runner-Up: Ian Mullarkey
Juniors High Gun: Joe Booth
Ladies High Gun: Caroline Stanbrook
Veterans High Gun: Paul Hodges
1st AA: Ian Mullarkey
1st A: Paul Hodges
1st B: Caroline Stanbrook

Nottinghamshire County Single Barrel Championship 2016
Nottingham & District SG - 31st July 2016
High Gun: Curtis Woolley

Derbyshire County Single Barrel Championship 2016
Nottingham & District SG - 31st July 2016
High Gun: Judith Hanson

East Area Sporting Championship 2016
Hopetoun Shooting Ground- 31st July 2016
High Gun: Drew Christie

English Open ABT Championship 2016
Beverley CTC - 30-31st July 2016
Junior High Gun: Owen Vining
1st D Class: Owen Vining
Colt High Gun: Lucy Hall

World DTL Championship 2016
Esker Shooting Ground - 22-24th July 2016
AA Bronze: Ian Mullarkey
A Gold: Jonathan O'Neill
Ladies Bronze: Emma Holden
Senior Team Gold: Darren Bell, Ronald Sloan, Willie Armstrong, Nick McKeown
Super Veterans Team Gold: Dave Hinchliffe
Ladies Team Silver: Emma Holden & Leanne Powell
Ladies Team Bronze: Bernadette Quinn
Veterans Team Silver: Maurice Beedan

European DTL Championship 2016
Esker Shooting Ground - 18-19th July 2016
Overall Bronze: Shane Smith
Super Veterans Gold: Dave Hinchliffe
Ladies Gold: Caroline Stanbrook
Ladies Silver: Emma Holden
Veterans Silver: Maurice Beedan
Senior Team Gold: Ian Mullarkey & Shane Smith
Junior Team Gold: Owen Vining & Joe Booth
Junior Team Silver: Joshua Shortt
Ladies Team Silver: Emma Holden & Leanne Powell
Ladies Team Bronze: Bernadette Quinn
Veterans Team Gold: Maurice Beedan
Super-Veterans Team Gold: Dave Hinchliffe

82nd ICTSC Home International Championship 2016
Banbridge Shooting Ground - 17th July 2016
Overall High Gun: William Armstrong
Overall Runner-Up: Ian Mullarkey
Veteran High Gun: Tim Howells
Junior High Gun: Owen Vining
Ladies High Gun: Bernadette Quinn
Ladies Runner-Up: Emma Holden
New Cap High Gun: Owen Vining

British Open DTL Championship 2016
Banbridge Shooting Ground - 17th July 2016
High Gun: Paul Chaplow
Ladies Runner-Up: Andrea Swatts
High Gun of England: Paul Chaplow
High Gun of Northern Ireland: Darren Bell
Ladies High Gun Over 2 Days: Emma Holden
England High Gun Over 2 Days: Curtis Woolley
Wales High Gun Over 2 Days: Tim Howells
England Junior High Gun Over 2 Days: Joe Booth
Ireland Ladies High Gun Over 2 Days: Bernadette Quinn
England Ladies High Gun Over 2 Days: Emma Holden

Anglo Italian ABT Championship 2016
Bywell Shooting Ground - 10th July 2016
Ladies High Gun: Andrea Swatts
Colts High Gun: Lucy Hall

Derbyshire County Championship 2016
Nottingham & District SG - 10th July 2016
High Gun: Keith Ritchie
Veterans High Gun: Dave Hinchliffe
Ladies High Gun: Judith Hanson

Welsh Open DTL Championship 2016
Mid-Wales Shooting Ground - 3rd July 2016
High Gun: Paul Chaplow
Veterans High Gun: Nigel Lovatt
1st C Class: Lucy Hall

Scottish Open ABT Grand Prix 2016
Glenmoriston Shooting Ground - 2nd July 2016
High Gun: John Falconer

World English Sporting Championship 2016
E.J. Churchill Shooting Ground - 26th June 2016
Runner-Up: Martin Myers

Scottish DTL 2016
Glenmoriston Shooting Ground - 25th June 2016
High Gun: Paul Chaplow
1st AA: Nigel Chapman
1st C: Izzy Thurnell
1st Ladies: Andrea Swatts
1st Juniors: Izzy Thurnell

Tom Sim Trophy DTL 2016
Glenmoriston Shooting Ground - 24th June 2016
Runner-Up: Mike Milne
1st AA: Mike Milne
1st C: Izzy Thurnell
1st Super Veterans: Mike Milne
1st Ladies: Andrea Swatts
1st Juniors: Izzy Thurnell
Sponsored Prize Gun Winner: Mike Milne

Sponsored DTL 2016
Glenmoriston Shooting Ground - 23rd June 2016
High Gun: Paul Chaplow

Clay Shooting Classic 2016
High Lodge Shooting Centre - 19th June 2016
Champion: Martin Myers
3rd Place: Mark Winser

British Open All Round Championship 2016
Northampton Shooting Ground - 19th June 2016
Runner-Up: Gareth Maund
AA 1st: Gareth Maund

Ulster Open & County Antrim DTL 2016
Culbann CPC - 18th June 2016
Ulster Open Runner-Up: David Jackson
Co. Antrim Open Champion: David Jackson

Scottish Olympic Skeet Grand Prix 2016
Auchterhouse Shooting Ground - 18th June 2016
Gold Medal: Drew Christie

Welsh DTL Team Qualifiers 2016
Mid-Wales Shooting Centre - 12th June 2016
Welsh Team 1st Cap: Clive Bowen

English Open DTL 2016
Bywell Shooting Ground - 12th June 2016
Runner-Up: Ian Mullarkey
Junior High Gun: Joe Booth
Ladies Runner-Up: Andrea Swatts
Ladies 3rd Place: Emma Holden

Dougall Memorial DTL 2016
Bywell Shooting Ground - 11th June 2016
Runner-Up: Ian Mullarkey
Ladies High Gun: Emma Holden
Ladies 3rd Place: Lucy Hall
Veterans High Gun: Dave Hinchliffe
Colts High Gun: Lucy Hall
1st C Class: Lucy Hall

Sponsored DTL 2016
Bywell Shooting Ground - 10th June 2016
High Gun: Shane Smith
3rd Place: Lee Kirby
Colts High Gun: Izzy Thurnell
Colts Runner-Up: Lucy Hall

European FITASC Championships 2016
Saint-Lambert, France - 5th June 2016
Runner-Up: Mark Winser
3rd Place: Carl Bloxham

Krieghoff DTL 2016
Mid-Wales Shooting Centre - 26-29th May 2016
Champion: Paul Chaplow
Runner-Up: Ronald Sloan
HOA: Paul Chaplow
1st AA: Ian Patterson
2nd AA: David Jackson
1st C: Izzy Thurnell
1st Ladies: Emma Holden
2nd Ladies: Izzy Thurnell
3rd Ladies: Andrea Swatts
1st Veterans: Paul Hodges

East Midlands English Skeet Championships 2016
Eriswell Lodge - 22nd May 2016
Runner-Up: Stuart Smith

British Open Handicap by Distance 2016
Nottingham & District - 22nd May 2016
Runner-Up: Ian Mullarkey

100 Bird Registered Competition 2016
Culdrum CPC - 21st May 2016
High Gun: David Jackson

British Open ABT 2016
Brookbank Shooting Ground - 15th May 2016
3rd Place: John Falconer

1st DTL England Selection Shoot 2016
Nottingham & District - 2nd May 2016
High Gun: Shane Smith
4=: Paul Chaplow
4=: Nigel Chapman
4=: Curtis Woolley

DTL Gold Cup/Irish Close Championship 2016
Ashbourne CTC - 1st May 2016
Junior High Gun: Joshua Shortt

DTL Grand Prix 2016
Fauxdegla Shooting Centre - 3rd April 2016
Champion: Paul Chaplow
Ladies High Gun: Emma Holden
Ladies Runner-Up: Andrea Swatts
Junior High Gun: Joe Booth
Junior Runner-Up: Jack Ruane
Veterans High Gun: Paul Hodges
Veterans Runner-Up: Dave Hinchliffe
1st A Class: Daniel Beedan

Co. Tyrone Championship 2016
Omagh CTC - 2nd April 2016
High Gun: Joshua Shortt

West Midlands DTL 2016
Mid-Wales Shooting Centre - 27th March 2016
High Gun: Chris Moule
Junior High Gun: Jack Ruane

Mid-Wales Winter Series 2016
Mid-Wales Shooting Centre - 13th March 2016
High Gun: Chris Moule
B Class - 1st Place: Jack Ruane

East Midlands Single Barrel
Nottingham Gun Club- 13th February 2016
High Gun: Nigel Lovatt

Walsh Brothers Cup
Culdrum CPC - 16th January 2016
High Gun: Darren Bell

100 DTL Registered Shoot
Glenmoriston Shooting Ground - 16th January 2016
High Gun: Richard Greenlaw

Hall of Fame
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