Lewis Class System Explained

For the Krieghoff Championship event, we have adopted the Lewis Class System to determine the prize fund payouts. This method does take some understanding as we disregard shooting Classes for the prize fund distribution. We simply divide the total number of entries into equal groups or classes, then use these classes to distribute the prize fund into. This method of prize distribution gives everyone a fair chance at winning prize money and creates an added element of excitement and anticipation for the prizes. Here are the basic rules and some examples to help understand it a bit better.

Firstly, we determine how many Classes we will pay out into.
If you have a preset number of Groups, you can simply divide the total number of results into these groups to separate them. If the results are divisible by the number of preset groups, then you won't have any remaining. But, any remaining entries are divided up into the lower groups. If you have 1 Remaining = Add 1 to the lowest Group If you have 2 Remaining = Add 1 each to the lowest two Groups If you have 3 Remaining = Add 1 each to the lowest three Groups and so on, until you have placed all of the remaining entries into a Group.

Then we decide how many places per Class will be paid out.
Again, this is usually based on the total number of entries taken.

Once the final Results are in. We have your full list of Results in descending order.

You can then divide the Full Results List in to equal Classes.
If scores are equal between the original Group divides, the following rules apply:

  • Scores move over the Class divide to join the majority on the same scores.
  • If there are an equal amount of tied score either side of the divide, then the tied score all move down to head the Class below.

Once the final Lewis Class Divides are set in place, you can then work out the places and prize payouts for each Class.

Here is an Example when the Lewis Class System is Implemented

The entries are final and there is 100 results in total.
We will be using 4 Lewis Classes for the Prize Fund.
So the initial divide will be 25 entries in each Class.

When the Final Results are in from the 100 Entries.
The First Class is made up of results 1-25.
The Second Class is 26-50.
The Third Class is 51-75.
And the Fourth Class is 76-100.
We check the results, where the Class divides are:

Krieghoff 200 Entry Form
(Here the line divides 3 tied scores, all on 187. We will now have to use a rule from above for when score are tied. The 1 tied score moves down to join the other 2 tied scores (the majority) and ultimately heads the Class.)
Krieghoff 200 Entry Form

Krieghoff 200 Entry Form
(Here the line divides 4 tied scores, all on 176. If there are an equal amount of tied score either side of the divide, then the tied score all move down to head the Group below.)
Krieghoff 200 Entry Form

You can watch this video to explain the Lewis Class System in action.

Squad Planning

You can see information on the Squads Plan Rotation Page to see all 8 Traps and how it works.