Krieghoff 500 Championship

Krieghoff championship | Location

Bywell Shooting Ground is located in Morpeth, which is 25 miles (30mins) north of Newcastle upon Tyne. The ground is located in the Northumberland countryside and is a family run business, established back in 1980. With major shooting events being held throughout the season, Bywell Shooting Ground is a perfect venue to host the Krieghoff Championship.

Full Address:

Bywell Shooting Ground

Bywell Farm
NE65 9QQ

Telephone : 01670 787827
Email :

Krieghoff 500

Ground Layout:

See the Ground Layout to check which of the 8 Traps are open for the Krieghoff Championship.

Bywell Shooting Ground Layout >>>

Krieghoff DTL

Useful Distances and Times:
Edinburgh to Bywell - 100 miles (2 hours)
Glasgow to Bywell - 145 miles (2 hours 45 mins)
Leeds to Bywell - 125 miles (2 house 30 mins)
Liverpool Airport to Bywell - 200 miles (3 hours 25 mins)  
Manchester Airport to Bywell - 185 miles (3 hours 10 mins)  
Birmingham Airport to Bywell - 230 miles (3 hours 50 mins)  
London Heathrow to Bywell - 310 miles (5 hours 30 mins)  

Trap Information

All of the 8 Traps are uncovered. They are split into 2 Banks of 4 Traps.