Main Event | Squad Plan
Please Note: We are starting at 09:30 on both days. There are 240 Spaces.
See the Ground Layout to see where they are situated on the ground.
Saturday Bank 1 -- Sunday Bank 2
Saturday Bank 2 -- Sunday Bank 1
For More Information - Squad Rotation Explanation
Squads marked in BOLD are starting times. There are 6 starting times,
Squad Planning
At the Krieghoff Championship you will shoot 100 birds over 4 traps, 25 on each trap. You will notice that your squad moves to the next trap after you have shot 25 targets, so for instance if you're shooting on Squad 1 at 09:30 on Trap A, the next Trap will be Trap B at 10:00, then Trap C at 10:30 and finally Trap D at 11:00. You stay within a specific Bank of 4 Traps for your entire 100 birds, so if you start on Trap D, you will then move onto the following Trap in the same Bank which is Trap A.