Video | The Side Plate Update
If you find yourself missing C-Clips inside your Krieghoff K-80 action, then this update to the mechanism may be of interest to you.
The update of the side plate within the K-80 action has semi-captive and captive C-Clips, which makes them pretty much impossible to be accidentally knocked off.
In the video, we look at a K-80 action with and without the update and look at the differences between them. If you are interested in having the Side Plate Update installed, you can contact our service team for more information.
We would usually recommend having the update installed during a Service as the gun is broken down into components for a full clean, polish and check, so when it's rebuilt, we can update it with the new side plate.
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K-80 Side Plate WITHOUT the Update
The C-Clips are not protected and have the possibility of getting knocked off the pin while removing the stock or fitting it back on.

K-80 Side Plate WITH the Update
The C-Clips on the Right-Hand side sit within a ellipse and are semi-captive. You can rotate the C-Clips so it cannot be accidentally knocked out of place.
You can see the Left-Hand side has capped pins, which cannot travel until release from the other side. The lower pin does have a C-Clip, but is fully captive and cannot be released until the C-Clip on the Right-Hand side is removed.

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