Krieghoff DTL Entries Opening Soon
The Krieghoff DTL 2017 entries will be opening on February 1st. For the time being the only method of enrty will be via Online Booking or Entry Form. You can choose to pay using credit/debit card or cheque. We are not accepting entries or amendments to your booking over the phone.
Krieghoff DTL 2017 Entry Fees
Thursday 25th May - 100 DTL - £45.00
Friday 26th May - 100 DTL + Lucky Numbers - £47.00
Sat/Sun 27/28th May - 200 DTL - £110.00
As always you can select your time and squad when booking. You can see which spaces are free on the Event Availability section.

The Latest News and Events
We update out news feature regularly to keep you up to date with the latest events and stories. If you have any interesting stories you would like us to know about, please send us an email with your information.